Labels:bulletin board | earth | fence | monitor | person | poster | reckoner | sky | window OCR: Apple Desktop Bus Mouse m Reqirements the ATple Desktop Bus Moust: It is also compatible with the is intene led for use with Apple Apple s>1 itself, [SCTE? willh Ic personat compulers the Macintosh I computers that hrve had the: TIciS I perade have aJ1 ADB port. installed. nical Specifications Tracking Shaft ercoding Sive pur weight ie "hanical Oprical: pulses per iruh Ileigh st: in (27.9 mm) 3.34 pules pT m} of travel HIPLA 2.1 ir. 53. i num} Depth 3.8 ir1. 96.5 mm! wright: 0.38 0.17 kg) ring ] Information Aople Iesktop Bus Mouse Order No. A9MJ331 With vou'll receive: Apple Desktop BUS Mouse (rvith atHC: hed c:ble' Referral Limited satemeni ..- Apple Ilcs Upgrade No A2S0 le Computer Itr 2025 Mariaru Avenue: 1 pela t's e Apcke Ics. :u.dhr ALY1 m.mksr Cuyertings, CA 95014 M- I: odiu peciicg ...